Saturday: Hall of Fame

Hello, friends! Welcome back to the Camp blog. I hope you had a wonderful year! In the blink of an eye, Camp 2024 has arrived. After months and months of planning, 150 campers and staff met at Weymouth High School earlier today to depart for another year of camp. Our staff were clad in their red shirts and our counselors-in-training (CITS) in kelly green, welcoming campers and parents as we loaded the truck and buses. The ride up to New Hampshire was a smooth one with minimal traffic along the way.

Over the course of the last year, our incredible staff has met almost monthly to plan “Camp: The Multiverse.” What is “Camp: The Multiverse?” Great question, thank you for asking! This year’s theme will explore the infinite ways we can create our reality both at Camp and at home and the many paths we can take. Campers and staff will explore the experiences that have shaped them, discuss what it means to live in the present, and dream about what the future holds. Each day’s small group discussion, afternoon and evening programs, and worship messages will highlight a different aspect of our theme.

After arriving at Camp just after 3 p.m., campers met their cabin staff and cabin mates and began to unpack. Shortly after, the entire camp gathered together to meet their morning groups. Each day at Camp, our teens and staff meet with the same group (almost always in the morning) to participate in discussions, play games, and build friendships. Both campers and staff agree that Morning Group is a favorite part of their camp experience. Today’s program dove into some great icebreakers and introductory questions. One of the questions our groups explored was if you could create your own personal hall of fame and be the first inductee into that hall of fame, what would you create? We know this blog author would want to be inducted into the Taylor Swift Hall of Fame by none other than our own Rev. Brian Craig.

Groups made their way up to the dining hall tent for our first meal at Camp Cody. Tonight’s meal included rosemary chicken, roasted potatoes and cauliflower, a robust salad bar, and a classic ice cream sandwich. We dined with our cabins this evening, continuing to get to know one another over a delicious meal.

Next up is Chapel. Each evening we gather as a community for a worship service organized by Rev. Brian. He introduced our campers to Chapel and explained how everyone has an opportunity to participate in the worship service at some point during the week. 

Tonight’s Chapel helpers were our amazing CITs. Music plays a huge role in our worship services and counselor Colin Ames graciously shared his musical talents with everyone, leading us in enthusiastic renditions of camp classics like “Father Abraham,” “Alleluia, Praise Ye the Lord,” and “Sing When the Spirit Says Sing.” Rev. Brian delivered tonight’s Chapel message and encouraged everyone to show up, be present, and not to worry about being perfect.

Chapel is an interactive worship service and our campers and staff broke into small groups to discuss their personal halls of fame. Responses were shared with the entire Camp and it gave everyone a sneak peek into what talents and interests we each have.

Our annual Saturday evening tradition (and a favorite program of our staff) is our camp fire. The evening started with a cabin bonding activity during which each cabin created their own cabin shield, which may or may not come in handy later in the week. After wrapping up their shield and some discussion questions, groups returned to the council ring to a roaring fire, popcorn, and M&M’s. Staff performed skits, songs, and games while everyone enjoyed the salty and sweet snacks.

After the camp fire, Colin grabbed his guitar and serenaded everyone with a beautiful cover of “Wasteland” by NEEDTOBREATHE, a band that many staff and campers enjoy. Steve Flaherty gave the first Vespers message of the year, which focused on living life in the moment and embracing the amazing opportunities that we are presented with each day. At Vespers, one of our staff members closes the evening with a reflection on the day. Many people take this time to admire the beautiful scenery that we are blessed with.

As this blog author reflects on the day’s events, I am struck by how our newest campers are embracing the Camp experience already. I’m excited for the endless possibilities that this week holds for our campers and staff.


  • Hailey
    Posted August 18, 2024 4:01 AM 0Likes

    Seems like an amazing start to the week!!

  • Terry
    Posted August 18, 2024 10:57 AM 0Likes

    Thank you for sharing the wonders of camp. Your reflection brings back many memories!

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