Thursday: Throwback Thursday

Good evening, friends of the blog! Today was our last full day of Camp and I can promise you that it was filled with all good things! The sun decided to join us for a second consecutive day, which was the icing on the cake.

The day started with the best breakfast: cinnamon toast sticks, sausage links, eggs, fruit, and muffins. Morning Watch did an excellent job of setting us up for the day and even alluded to an activity that we would do with our morning groups later on.

The theme for the day was Throwback, and discussions were centered around whether hindsight is 20/20 and what we wish we knew when we were younger. We talked about empathy and how it impacts our relationships with others and how we think we would react to different scenarios. Groups also discussed how our lives will be different after this week of Camp.

Lunch was a smash today and included pulled pork sandwiches, grilled cheese, and tomato soup. It was delicious! Because our week is a day shorter this year, we had to adjust our schedule a little. We had to move some of our typical Friday activities to Thursday, including the hug line. Campers and staff lined up for one of the best Camp traditions. During the hug line, each camper and staff member share a hug and a short conversation. It’s a wonderful opportunity to connect with everyone and recap the week with others.

After the hug line, we gathered for a graduation ceremony for our senior class. Our seniors are off to all different parts of the country, including the University of Wisconsin, Denver University, Fordham University, Boston University, and Endicott College. These seniors have been such incredible leaders throughout this camp week and their entire camp careers. They bring great energy, unparalleled enthusiasm, and so much heart to our Camp experience. They’ve touched so many lives and will continue to do so on the next part of their journeys!

After we celebrated our seniors, yours truly had the pleasure of awarding Cody Awards to both campers and staff. During the week, we encourage everyone to nominate a camper or staff member who has had a positive impact on their week for a Cody Award. I received 30 nominations ranging from “Kindest Camper” to “Best Basketball Teammate.” I love this opportunity for people to affirm each other and the week that they had together!

Once the Cody Awards had been handed out, Tom Remsen welcomed each staff member up to recognize the work they’ve put into the Camp week.

Dinner came in the form of an early Thanksgiving dinner: turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, asparagus, and a lovely pumpkin cake. It was fitting to spend our last dinner at Camp sharing a meal that is typically associated with gratitude, because that is what is filling our hearts.

Later on in the evening, each cabin walked down the soccer cage together for our Consecration Service. Led by Rev. Brian Craig, our seniors, and CITs, the worship service acts as the culmination of our week together. Held outdoors under the stars, the service included readings by our seniors, a sermon by Rev. Brian, communion, and a message from Steve Flaherty about our memento.

We moved from the soccer cage to the council ring for our last campfire. Four seniors delivered messages about their camp journeys and the friends they’ve made because of Camp. Throughout the evening, John Fiander played an all-star lineup of our favorite Camp songs. He closed the night with “Take me Down to Ossipee.” There were a few tears…

To end the evening, our seniors led us in the Lord’s Prayer as campers and staff looked up at the star-filled sky. It was the perfect last full day of Camp.


  • Terry
    Posted August 23, 2024 11:14 AM 0Likes

    Thanks, Ashley, for the Camp Blog.
    Thanks, photographer(s,) for capturing camp’s greatest moments and fun!
    Thanks, staff, for keeping so many camp traditions alive!
    Thanks, campers, without you there would be no camp!

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