Tuesday: Choose Your Own Adventure

Hello, friends of the blog! This post is being written in the wee hours of the morning because our day was absolutely packed full of fun. The cabins are quiet, but many of our staff are hard at work cleaning up from tonight’s dance and preparing for tomorrow’s programs.

The walk to breakfast was a bit slower today, but everyone perked up at the smell of delicious homefries wafting through the air. We also enjoyed eggs, sausage patties, and bagels… all the ingredients necessary for a breakfast sandwich!

The theme for today was choose your own adventure. Morning groups discussed different adventures that we’ve been on and hope to go on in the future. They also talked about daydreams, deja vu, alternate realities, and ways that we can shape our path. Many groups tried a new game called link tag, which was a hit!

After Morning Group, everyone enjoyed a delicious lunch of fried chicken cutlet sandwiches, french fries and watermelon. It reminded many campers and staff of the old fan favorite chicken patty lunch. Today’s afternoon program was an extended Spree Time and featured two phases and encouraged campers to choose their own Spree Time adventure. Phase one had 3-versus-3 basketball tournament, yard games, coloring, board games, bracelet making, and dodgeball. The 3-versus-3 basketball tournament had 16 teams participate in it. After a fierce competition, Hannah Lavoie, Regan Glennon, and Aiden Glennon claimed victory! It was amazing to see so many campers across all grades participate in this event. Congratulations to our winning team and everyone who played!

Phase two of the program had our third annual kayak race, steal the bacon, dizzy bat, and shipwreck. Nineteen campers competed across three heats for a spot in the final race. Colin Geagan was an absolute powerhouse and won the final kayak race by a mile. Congratulations Colin! Shout out to our Camp photographer, Hailey Cummings, for capturing these great photos from a kayak!

It’s Tuesday, so you know what that means… tacos for dinner! Taco Tuesday is one of our favorite traditions. Tonight’s offerings included ground beef and chicken tacos with all the fixings and Funfetti cake for dessert.

Chapel was led by our ninth grade campers today and was filled with dancing and singing. John’s set list included “Lord of the Dance,” “The General,” and “Rise and Shine.” It was a joyful occasion and our ninth graders did an excellent job helping Rev. Brian. Bob Caldeira gave the message and talked about what to do when things don’t go as planned. He also thanked the staff for all the work they do throughout the year to make Camp happen.

You should have seen the costumes for tonight’s dance, which had an adventure bound theme. Everyone was encouraged to dress up as an adventure they’d like to go on or have at some point in their lives. I saw astronauts, athletes, pirates, scuba divers, and more! The music was electric and was a good mix of camp classics and campers favorites. Everyone danced the night away until the final notes of “Stairway to Heaven.”

As the fire roared, John kicked off Vesper’s with “Two at a Time.” Gwen Van Bibber gave the message tonight, sharing with everyone different times in her life when she embraced adventure and chose a different path.

We’re halfway through the week and we’re in a little bit of denial that we leave on Friday. Our campers and staff have settled into a great routine and are making the most of the time that we have in this place. I was reminded today during Bob’s Chapel message that I am so lucky to be able to do this work and be here with all of these people. It’s truly something so special. I hope these blogs give you a glimpse into the magic that we experience each day!


  • Laura Trainor
    Posted August 21, 2024 12:36 PM 0Likes

    Sounds amazing enjoy the next two days!

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